Hi Lee and Jono This is a point that I brought up in your article re Cubase ( spelt wrong I see!! ;-) ) I never really got Cubase to record multitrack at all. Sonar was easeir to start with but unexplainable dropouts were always blamed on 1 Me! 2 windows 3 RME drivers 4 get the next upgrade ar $199.00 Ardour/Jack runs the same hardware fine. Well done Jono for joning the list and welcome. Cheers Bob Lee Revell wrote: >On Sun, 2005-07-24 at 01:42 +0100, Steve Harris wrote: > > >>comparing Ardour to Cubase >>itsn't really reasonable as Ardour is a lot more sophisitcated >> >> > >Are there people who consider Cubase user friendly? I guess it's >reasonable for MIDI people, but if you just want to do audio it's a >baffling ordeal. > >Lee > > > >