i recently evaluated your package while searching for a standard looking alsa midi wrapper, but the package seems to be focused on your application. any chance you could break off the alsa midi part and make it a separate package? On Saturday 23 July 2005 03:22, Peter Brinkmann wrote: > Atte, Iain, Tim, and everyone else who's interested in Python and ALSA: > > As promised, I've put together some documentation of my Python bindings > for the ALSA sequencer API. You can find the new version at > http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~brinkman/software/midikinesis/ > > The module pyseq.py is the heart and soul of the package. I've added > a simple MIDI file player, midiplayer.py, as a tutorial that shows most > aspects of the bindings in action. > > The package also contains a number of other applications built with > the bindings. Most of them are pretty straightforward, except possibly > MidiKinesis, which I presented at LAC 2005, and the new module > leierkasten.py: That one receives control change messages from, say, > a MIDI controller keyboard and converts their rate of change into > MIDI tempo messages. The MIDI file player, midiplayer.py, pays attention > to incoming tempo messages, so that you can plug leierkasten.py into > midiplayer.py in order to create a virtual hand organ. > > Any feedback would be appreciated; questions are always welcome. > All the best, > Peter -- -- leonard "paniq" ritter -- http://www.paniq.org -- http://www.mjoo.org