Hello, I just bought an Audiophile USB, and have some problems making it work. In the archive of this list (thank you guys !), I found out that plughw:3 works better than hw:3 with jack, alsaplayer and so on, which will not even start else. I managed to hear some sound with aplay and alsaplayer, and to record some sound with an awful saturation from plughw:3,1 (I don't understand precisely why I have to specify the subdevice on input more than on output, but I can live with that). I then tried to fix the saturation problem with alsamixer, and here come the problems. 'alsamixer -c 3' outputs 'No mixer elems found'. Is this a limitation of the device, the alsa driver or my hacking skills ? Is there a means of having alsamixer work, or any other software mixer ? Or do I have to control manually the input level ? My second problem is with jack. Basically, once configured to use plughw:3 for output and plughw:3,1 for input, I got it running but with a continuous fluttering buzz. As soon as I sent some sound in the input, I got a bunch of xruns and jack stoped. I saw on the archives that someone fixed some xrun problems by setting a periods/buffer of 4. I didn't try that yet, but do you think that could kill the buzz as well ? More generally, does anyone have an experience of running an Audiophile USB completely with linux? I bought it in the faith of the alsa website, claiming support for this device, but searching the net gives me the impression that some problems remain... regards Pierre-Antoine Champin PS: for the record, I use a Debian/testing with kernel 2.6.1, alsa drivers from the kernel, libasound2 1.0.9, jack 0.99.0 .