> It seems to me, every time I go to build a kernel and try > to dig this info up, that the knowledge is somewhat spread > out and not easily found. Wikis are good at collecting this > sort of knowledge, I think. If you need a wiki dust > particle to form this raindrop on, try this one: > http://fugal.net:2500/linuxaudio/new/Kernels > > That goes for everyone, of course. The problem is what you wrote above: Such knowledge currently expires faster than you can type a tutorial. I just have read some things about how to build a kernel, and as soon you have learned a bit you'll find the next page which states that there meanwhile is another solution ;-) . So, perhaps we should wait a bit until things have settled a bit... But what do users in the time remaining? We should use the most recent kernels to see how well it works or even not :( . Best regards ce