I also have a Dell 8200, what I've done is remove the grounding and the noise is gone. (yes, I know you shouldn't do that...) Andres On Sun, 2005-06-26 at 03:51, Christoph Eckert wrote: > > I'm going to play with it for a few days but it's already > > got one flaw that makes me want to send it back - when my > > laptop's plugged into power it feeds hum through the whole > > system via the usb connector. > > same for me on a Dell i8200. I do not guess that this has > anything to do with the device itself but with the shielding > of the notebook. There are many circuits in a very small > chassis, so this can happen. > > I have put in two rechargeable batteries which grants me 5h of > audio work without hum when disconnecting the power supply. > > > Best regards > > > ce > >