sorry, In fact I wanted to post this on the LAU list... After having struggle a lot in order to make ecasound and ardour working on my Gentoo (Christopher is it working well with your's ?) I have decided to use another strategy to setup my Dub Soundsystem. I have choosen : always TerminatorX (Tx) to play the tracks and MuSE 0.7.1 to do the rest. The problem is that MuSE does a strange thing. Let me explain : I have 2 stereo tracks track 1 connected to Tx without effect track 2 connected to Tx with the Glame Bandpass Analog Filter So, if I activate the plugin of the track 2 the track 1 looks mono and I can hear that the effect is also acting on it. is this a bug in MuSE or it is the Glame Bandpass Analog Filter to claim the fault ? Best regards Philippe PS : it would be nice if the interface window of a plugin closes when we remove the plugin from the track :)