Lee Revell schrieb: >On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 19:39 +0100, tommy wrote: > > >>unfortunatly, this card costs more than twice the money of the live 24bit :( >> >> >> > >Well, after all that is the whole motivation for putting everything in >software, less silicon = lower prices = more profit. It kind of makes >sense, as the emu10k1 was originally designed to support HDRs and games >in the Pentium I + Windows 95 era, where computers just weren't fast >enough to do all that in software. But Linux users know how we feel >about Winhardware. > > So, This day i managed to give my sb live 24bit back and get an audigy 2 ZS. however, there seems to be some problems with 5.1 audio output. when using mplayer with -channels 4 i get desired audio autput thru ALL 5 speakers of my card ???, and, for maximum confusing, when using -channels 6 i also get output thru all speakers, BUT some channels are missing ?!? namely the channels, on which spoken text is outputted (in kill bill). so i can hear surround-music, but i CAN't hear the people talk ... i think taht has something todo with the card being a 7.1 card and upmixing the stuff to 7.1 ? i've tried virtually all settings possible in alsamixer for some hours, and also googled a lot, but i cant find anything ;( Please Help me ;) Thank you all in Advance Tommy >Lee > > > >