Just found the answer to my own question: I didn't have Flash installed and the navigation on the non-flash version of the Steinberg site is knackered. To get the VST SDK you should (in a Flash-enabled browser) go to http://www.steinberg.net/DocSupportDisplay_sb.asp?templ=&doclink=/webvideo/steinberg/support/doc/VST%20Audio%20Plug-Ins%20SDK_1.htm&Langue_ID=&Product_ID= and agree with everything. On February 27, 2005 02:05 pm, quoth Robert Persson: > Does anybody have a valid download link for the Steinberg VST SDK? I need > the headers to compile fst, but the Steinberg people seem to be playing > sillybuggers with their website and the old links don't work anymore. > > Many thanks. > Robert -- Robert Persson ireneshusband@xxxxxxxxxxx YahooMess:ireneshusband AIM:shamanicpolice 56% of US Gulf War I veterans have chronic health problems. The disability rate after Vietnam was 10%. For other 20th Century wars it was 5%.