Hi Take a look on the net there are some really good guitar building/repair sites that give you load of info. You may find that just re-setting up the guitar will improve things even on the cheaper stuff: http://mysite.verizon.net/jazz.guitar/guitarsetup.htm#Adjusting%20the% 20string%20height%20at%20the%20bridge http://www.mrgearhead.com/faq/fendersupport.html Have a look. Re the pickup placement on strats this really does make a big difference, and also the bridge set up. cheers Bob On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 21:56 -0500, Lee Revell wrote: > I have found with my Strat that over time the nuts that hold the > tuning > pegs in place will get loose. After tightening these (don't > overtighten) the guitar stays in tune noticeably better. I think it > might even have improved the sound. > > I have had it for 5 years and did this once, but they were pretty > loose > by then. You would probably want to check this once a year or so. > > Lee