tim hall wrote: > Uhm, Instruments? > >(just a thought ;-) > >Rosegarden doesn't actually contain any instruments as such. > I figured as much... > If your version >is compiled with DSSI support, you will be able to use synth plugins. Else >you need to connect to a softsynth via JACK. I generally launch QJackCtl and >QSynth (fluidsynth gui) and then Rosegarden. > > I have a real synth, do I need a softsynth? >I trust you are already familiar with these: >http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/resources/faq/ >http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/using-rosegarden/en/chapter-0.html >(there is a German translation too) > Those seem to describe if you don't have a real midi device. I do so I figured it would work. However I did just notice this in sndstat: Synth devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG Midi devices: 0: ES1371 Maybe I need to fix something in kernel...