Ok, shame on me for this, but I would really really like to share with you my latest musical efforts. Unfortunately, I was already working on these tracks when I finally got everything working on gnu/Linux audio. So I finished these tracks (made with mostly with free VST plugins, my guitar and some vocals) on my copies of Tracktion on MacOSX and WinXP (Mackie gave them away for free last christmas to promote their forthcoming newer version). BTW it's a shame that a software made by one guy alone, using mostly opensource LGPL libraries and with an XML file format hasn't been released opensource. But I believe that when Ardour will have MIDI integration, it would be even better than Tracktion (it is already far better IMHO if you consider just the audio functionalities). I will probably retouch these tracks with jamin for the final cd version, but I'm already concentrated on new stuff now (using only o.s.s.). I don't like to think in terms of genres, but people often describes my music as ambient. So don't bother to download it if you don't like ambient. Anyway, If you'll consider listening to my new EP (released under the cc-licence) you can grab it here: http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/music/The_Moon_EP.zip It's a 27Mb zip with 4 mp3 tracks (192Kbps). Title is: The Moon EP (code name: last of the closed source sw tracks). Or for individual tracks: http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/music/As_we_grow_older.mp3 http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/music/Hope.mp3 http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/music/The_moon.mp3 http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/music/The_difference.mp3 I'm still working on the cover. Thank you very much. c.