Hi there. I compiled ardour-0.99 with vst (fst) support with this scons command: scons BUILD_SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 USE_SSE_EVERYWHERE=0 VST=1 VSTPATH=/home/supertux/vst/fst-1.7 PREFIX=/usr KSI=no DEBUG=yes To do this I copied,before, the fst-1.7/fst.h and fst-1.7/vst/ to ardour-099/libs/ardour build directory and the SC* files from fst-1.7/ardour amd fst-1.7/gtk_ardour to ardour-0.99 and ardour-0.99/gtk_ardour build directorys Everything during the the compilation proccess went fine, no errors,scons install did his task succesfuly. After this ardour run ok,all the vst fx been recognized fine ,but the "normalize" function doesn't work. If the compilation is made without vst support ,"normalize" works fine. Any idea? Thanks in advance Saludos Cheers. -- Carlos.