On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Lars Luthman wrote: > Their CVS server isn't responding, so I can't see the whole License > Agreement. But I see this on the web page: > > LinuxSampler is licensed under the GNU GPL license with the exception > that COMMERCIAL USE of the souce code, libraries and applications is > NOT ALLOWED without prior written permission by the LinuxSampler > authors. If you have questions on the subject please contact us. Hmm.... From what I understand of GPL you can't put additional restrictions to it. It's either GPL ot not. The only thing you can do as a copyright holder is to dual-licence it, like MySQL for instance, where you have one free GPL version with its licensing rules or the same code bought as a commercial license that you can use free of GPL restrictions. AFAIKT from what Lars reports, LinuxSampler is violating GPL. Regards, Peder