My thanks to all. Cdda2wav appears to be the solution but, of course, there is one more problem. The man page and the help output clearly state: -J] [-L cddbp-mode] [-H] [-g] [-l buffers] [-D cd-device] If I put a -L anything anywhere in that command, it is instant failure: # cdda2wav -D0,0,0 -J -L cddb-mode cdda2wav: Bad Option: -L. use 'cdda2wav -help' to get more information. Hmm. That's what told me to do that.:-) Actually,I have tried -L and -L cddbpmode and several other creative things that one does in one of these syntax quandaries, all to no avail. Where are the examples when you really need them? If I don't put anything in the command with -L flags, cdda2wav appears to work just fine so the -L parameter is what is killing it. I once ran it without the -J flag and it created an .inf file containing headers for title, artist, etc but every line was blank after its header. The system is connected to a working network and all other network applications work. Thanks for any more ideas. Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group .-- -... ..... .- --. --..