On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 02:08:02AM +0100, studio-64 wrote: > Just need some vnc and printer ppd's for my HP psc. > Not sure were you get these on Debian There's a package called foomatic-filters-ppds but apt-cache show foomatic-filters-ppds tells you that you probably don't want this - instead go to http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi or get a PPD file from HP (maybe one came with the printer). In my case, for ther QMS/Minolta Magicolor 3100 I found the PPD that came with the printer (there are several; the one for Windows NT is supposed to be the best) far more featureful than the linuxprinting.org one. But if it's a PS printer, basic stuff on ordinary paper will work anayway - PPDs are for when you want to optimize its behaviour for thick or glossy paper or do double sided printing (all of which I do) and other such tricks. -- Anahata anahata@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -+- http://www.treewind.co.uk Home: 01638 720444 Mob: 07976 263827