>a simple poll for your ml people here: > >a.) what (linux) distribution do you use? > > mainly : APODIO (based on mandrake) http://www.apodio.org (audio & video) AGNULA : http://www.agnula.org (audio) MANDRAKE : http://www.linuxiso.org/distro.php?distro=29 sometimes : Debian : http://debian.org dynebolic : http://dynebolic.org (audio & video) fedora : http://www.linuxiso.org/distro.php?distro=64 ...etc >b.) does the distribution that you use supply a lot of audio-related packages >by default? > > > yes that the case with APODIO, AGNULA and DYNEBOLIC >c.) do you consider the distribution that you use to be notably adequate for >audio production? why? > > > > For audio production (studio recording, post-production, composition, webradio & radio broadcast, real-time concerts & installation...etc) it's excelent!! I was under macinsto$h world before, using different "pro" audio tools and since 3/4 years I only works with linux in audio production, and I could work as "pro" in all the production I want to do. It's adequate because I could realize all the works I need to do : recording sounds (jackit, qarecord, jackmix, ardour, rezound, audacity, mhwaveedit...etc), mixing it (ardour, audacity...etc), masterized it (jamin, rezound...), produce CD (K3B, Gcombust...), produce webcasting (icecast, ices, puredata...) & jukebox (zina...), real time concerts & installation (puredata, jackit, jack-rack, FreqTweak, terminatorX, spiralSynthModular...)... and it's poilitcal & ethically in the way I want to work with art (GNU, copyleft, GPL...), it's based on relation between people and the human being not on business and personnal profit... julien