>Anyway, what I'm trying to do is use it along with an app that could >play back audio files. Basically, I want to use seq24 for the >sequencing, and use another app for triggerring samples, all running >from the same clock (which is where I'm assuming JACK comes in). > >Does anyone know of a tutorial or walkthrough for beginners to achieve >this setup? Again, I apologize for my limited Linux knowledge, but >this platform seems extremely interesting for audio, and I definitely >want to learn what I can. The rock solid performance of seq24 is >incredible. I have yet to see a Windows app perform that I would feel >as comfortable using in a live situation. If other apps perform like >this, I won't be booting back into Windows anytime soon. ;) > > Try checking out specimen: http://www.gazuga.net/ It is a software sampler. The author of specimen uses it with seq24 and gets very good results. If you do not already have qjackctl installed, I highley recommend installing it now: Qjackctl: http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/ Qjackctl can manage jack connections and alsa connections. jack connections are for sharing audio data between programs, and alsa connections are for sharing midi data between programs. I believe once you have both seq24 and specimen running, the midi ports in specimen will be available to you in seq24. You can then trigger samples in specimen by sending midi notes from seq24 to specimen. Is this what you were looking to do?