On Apr 5, 2005 4:44 PM, aljordan@xxxxxxxxxxxx <aljordan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Just as an FYI... > > I just matched an AMD 64 3500+ on an Abit AV8. I was originally planning to run the 64 bit release of Fedora Core 3 but found compiling music apps to be painful on the 64 bit platform. I have only had a few problems with 64 bit mode on Gentoo. However, ardour isn't very stable in 64 bit mode. How does it do in 32 bit mode? I get crashes 80% of the time when I create stereo tracks. Usually I can open the project back up and the track is there, but sometimes it crashes on open and I have to start over. It also freezes when I close and choose "just quit" when it wants to save the project most of the time. Also, when I import wav files it doesn't usually draw the wav, I just see a straight line; closing the project and opening it again fixes that, or deleting the region and importing again works right. Are these things normal in 32 bit as well? For me these are standard operating procedures I have to deal with. I was thinking about switching to 32 bit mode to see if they go away and I have a more stable system.