This may be semi-OT for this list but it does relate somewhat in regards to burning CDs and eventually using the 2.6 kernels for low latency audio, etc. My production distro is a Planet CCRMA RH 9 installation. I also have an installation of FC2 that I use for graphics and will eventually be migrating to. For me, using FC2 and the 2.6 kernels is edgy enough -- I don't have enough knowledge and experience to be much use as a beta tester. With those caveats in mind, is there a particular 2.6 kernel that would be better than either 1) the kernel that was shipped with my FC2 disks, or 2) the most recently released kernel (2.6.8-1.521)? Where can I find more info about the various kernels and other updates as they are released? Does anyone have any advice as to an FC2 update strategy other than running `# yum update` every week or so? Thanks, Barton