On Friday 10 Sep 2004 09:58, Steve Harris wrote: > OT: I recently confirmed freqencuty told tale that guiness in > ireland is OK (normally I cant stand the stuff). It really is > different, doesnt taste of ash. Oh bah, I argued about this with you once before and I'd argue about it again. (At length, over a pint.) There's no magic Irish recipe thing going on, it's just travelled less far and been treated better. You _can_ get an almost identical pint in London (made in England) to the one you get in Dublin (made in Ireland)... it's just that most of the time you don't. Worst Guinness I've ever had was probably in Canberra. Though frankly I was grateful to find a pub at all. Anyway, while we're on the subject: Linux World Expo 2004 (Weds-Thurs 6-7 October, London Olympia, http://www.linuxworldexpo.co.uk/) -- I'm not attending this time, but I could probably face a beer at a coincident time and place. Anyone? Chris