On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Mark Knecht wrote: > ecasound -f:16,2,44100 -i:resample-hq,auto, > data/GTSB-96K-24bit-Audio/T01-Startdust.L.wav -o:TEST1.wav Did TEST1.wav already exist before you ran the above? If it did, the format -f:16,2,44100 will not be used. Otherwise it should work normally (just tested with the same version of ecasound)... > (eca-chainsetup) Audio object "", mode "read". > (audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 2, srate 44100, interleaved. > (eca-chainsetup) Audio object > "data/GTSB-96K-24bit-Audio/T01-Startdust.L.wav", mode "read". > (audio-io) Format: s24_le, channels 1, srate 96000, interleaved. > (eca-chainsetup) Audio object "TEST1.wav", mode "read/write". > (audio-io) Format: s16_le, channels 2, srate 96000, interleaved. Hmm, it shouldn't show three audio objects here. Make sure you don't have any whitespace in "-i:resample-hw,auto,foobar.wav". -- http://www.eca.cx Audio software for Linux!