On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 09:24:24PM +0300, David Baron wrote: > On Thursday 09 September 2004 19:00, > linux-audio-user-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > Go for it. i would definetly like to save the extra step of compiling > > the realtime lsm each time i upgrade my kernel.. And i think it might > > prove useful even for non audio users.. Often security stuff likes to > > mlock small portions of memory, too, etc.. > Yes, except that the realtime-lsm precompiled binary is not updated on Sid > each time the kernel is. The only way to keep it current is to compile it > yourself. Compiles quickly and reliably--just remember to copy the .ko to the > correct place and then reboot. I've been keeping a symlink /usr/src/realtime -> /usr/src/realtime-<current-verson> Then in my /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh I have: insmod /usr/src/realtime/realtime.ko <options> I may have the actual module name wrong there, but that gives the idea. When I rebuild the lsm for each new kernel I just do a make clean; make. No make install, hence the insmod instead of modprobe. I asked joq if this was ok earlier this year and he didn't see a problem with it. Just one more way of handling it. I'm not sure how to work this into debian longterm. Probably Lee's idea to get it in the kernel is the best plan. The other option is to have some crazy soul paying attention to debian kernel builds and getting a new lsm.deb built and uploaded to unstable for every new kernel. I would do it, but (other than 4 years of using debian a bare minimum of 40hrs/week) I haven't even started studying for becoming a debian developer, yet, let alone looking for a sponsor ... it's on the todo list, but that's a mile long and growing. Since it's such a small piece of code new deb's probably aren't worth the effort, anyway. Let's give Lee whatever support he needs to get this thing into Linux proper. -Eric Rz.