Timemachine is a JACK app for recording sounds that have just happened. It can also be used as a generic JACK sound recorder. Read the website for more retails. Changes * Now builds properly without LASH installed (thanks to Joern Nettingsmeier) * Can specify recording format on command line (wav or w64) * Filename extension reflects the format (ie .w64 to help user confusion) * Can specify ports to connect to on the command line * Desktop icon (thanks to Anarcat) pixmaps/timemachine-icon.png Known Bugs / Omisions * There is a race condition - locks up the app, but recordings are OK. Not fixed, as I dont understand the problem fully, and I've not received a patch for it. * TM wont auto-connect to JACK hardware capture ports, I've had one request for this, but dont care enough to add it right now. - Steve