Hi Emiliano, Hi Everyone, Just a quick note that yesterday I tried your suggestions and was successful with every thing I tried. >timidity comes with a set of GUS patches (not really a soundfont but sort >of): the package is called "freepats" and should be available in demudi. It is. The default freepats.cfg had a bug at least in my beta Demudi (percussion pats are not located where stated in the config file) but once solved it works very nicely. >These are not very high quality, but at least you should hear something if >you issue the command "timidity <midifile>". I used Timidity in various ways yesterday (player, synth, output to ALSA, output to Jack). I have a couple of comments / issues. 1. The default piano patch (as well as other patches) seem to have a loop setup. This is not a problem in itself if every note-on has an associated note-off somewhere (they always have in MIDI files). However, if I open a piano-roll window in Rosegarden (it's called matrix window) and click on different notes of the piano on my left, they stay on forever (until the Timidity can't proccess so many at the same time and starts to go funny). Any cure for this? 2. I'm afraid that the quality of the patches is not good enough to actually know what I'm doing (composing-wise). More on this just below in this post. >timidity can also use soundfonts, check the Dave's doc about it. >Another option you have is to use qsynth, a GUI for fluidsynth - this works What can I say? Excellent. >For GM soundfonts you can look at http://www.personalcopy.com or >http://www.hammersound.net Thanks a lot. I have several other links I collected a few months ago when I was searching for sound fonts, may be of use? The best site ever for sound fonts suddenly dissapeared a few months ago, it used to be at http://www.thesoundsite.net Others include: http://www.samplearena.com/sites.htm http://www.synthzone.com/soundfont.htm http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Square/3191/ http://hazels.feeservers.com/steve/ditty/ http://www.soundcentral.com/ http://www bananaquartz.com/ Beware I've not checked these lately.. The other thing is, apparently Windows XP uses a soft synth by default. Since somehow I've been forced to buy a copy of XP Home Editon (it came preinstalled), I now have both XP and Demudi on the same hard disk. I'll be looking into using the fonts that Windows may have. At the moment, all I know is they sound quite good and quite uniform (they work well as a GM set). I shall investigate wether the waves are in any known sond font format or not. Cheers, Alex _________________________________________________________________ Descarga gratis la Barra de Herramientas de MSN http://www.msn.es/usuario/busqueda/barra?XAPID=2031&DI=1055&SU=http%3A//www.hotmail.com&HL=LINKTAG1OPENINGTEXT_MSNBH