I'm scratching my head about where to go next with a problem I'm having with my Delta 1010 on my IBM Netfinity dual Xeon box. I'm runniing DeMuDi 1.2.0 with the 2.4 kernel. The kernel hiccups on an NMI reason code 34 and reboots. The PowerPC hypervisor records a SERR event from the 1712 device with status 4210. M-Audio tech support says they won't support the card since it's under Linux, not even to let me know if the hardware or software is at fault. They say go to alsa-project.org. I think angula.org should be the next stop but their web server seems to be out of service. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. -- May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly! Dave Craig - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "'So the universe is not quite as you thought it was. You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then. Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe.'" --from _Nightfall_ by Asimov/Silverberg