I'm using the realtime lsm by jack o'quin/torbenh. I load it in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh like this: insmod /usr/src/realtime-0.0.3/realtime.ko allcaps=1 gid=29 I build it, but don't run the make install since doing so wipes out all other modules. That's why I use insmod instead of a modprobe. (I'm open to suggestions on better ways if they exist.) -Eric Rz. Sampo Solainen wrote: > Thank you for the config. I'll try building on that. > > I see you have the security capabilities on. Do you use the realtime module > I was talking about? Or do you use the capability/commoncap in a special > way? Are there some module parameters I should give to capability or commoncap?