This rocks just a bit... It's not precisely what you want but it's got some good information {you'll be needing to "unfold" it.}: ng2.pdf&e=7317 Good page that's "almost" related: I know I've read this discussion 1oo times... I'm sure there must be a few faqs and articles out here. {I wonder if there's a "Google Home Companion" available.} On 23-Jun-2004 Juhana Sadeharju wrote: } >From: Jan Depner <eviltwin69@xxxxxxxxxxxx> } > } >I also hear a difference though when I record 24/44.1 and 24/96. } } How about 24/48 vs. 24/96? Some cards are optimized to 48 kHz and } if one goes to use 44.1 kHz the performance may not be optimal. } It even could be that in some cards the performance is optimized } for 96 kHz instead of 48 kHz. } } One could start the tests by comparing if an audio bandlimited to } 15 kHz comes through the system the same way independent of } what sampling rate was used. What would be the limit frequency } where differences starts? Is that frequency hearable? A/B tests } on the listener. If yes, it would naturally explane why one } hears the difference. } } If all these aspects are already tested, I would like to } hear where. Perhaps would be a good place to start } searching. } } Juhana ---------------------------------- E-Mail: RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: 24-Jun-2004 Time: 00:47:29 This message was sent by XFMail ----------------------------------