> > Most people aren't aware of much above > > 16k, however the ear/brain is surely capable of > perceiving differences, so a > > higher sample rate is going to sound smoother in > the way that faster film > > looks smoother, the ear will perceive curves > rather than digital grainyness. > I don't think it's as simple as saying that smoothness is related to higher sample rate. I think that the way in which we perceive music is related to distortions introduced by the signal processing path and the amount of detail which we can resove. > There's certainly some evidence in favour of that, > but consider this > counter-argument: > A 'grainy' signal could be regarded as the sum of a > perfect signal plus > a small distortion signal. If you can demonstrate > that the > distortion signal is inaudible then arguably it also > doesn't have an > audible effect whan added to a sound that is > audible. In fact the well > known auditory phenomenon of masking shows the > reverse: a > sound that by istelf *is* audible can be rendered > inaudible in the > presence of a simultaneous louder sound. > But what about effects such as stochastic resonance? Add a (miniscule) amount of distortion and we hear more of the music. Perhaps this is why some people like the "sound" of DSD. Greg ___________________________________________________________ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - sooooo many all-new ways to express yourself http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com