On 19-Jun-2004 RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: } On 16-Jun-2004 Christian Frisson wrote: } } - less dependent of the user's client: it seems that each time someone } here } } has } } a signature beginning with 2 dashes "--" followed by a carriage return, } my } } email } } client (online ISP built-in Horde IMP) can't understand it correctly and } } "shadows" all the following messages! (Plain text, not HTML-enabled) And } } this } } client definitely cannot respect the thread tree... When it comes to } forums, } } Once php is supported, browsers won't groan! } } If folk would stop using nonsense in their headers mailers wouldn't groan. I just figured out what this says. You mean like when an escape sequence changes the color and it doesn't get reset 'till there's another escape sequence. Get a better mailer. ---------------------------------- E-Mail: RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: 19-Jun-2004 Time: 05:21:25 This message was sent by XFMail ----------------------------------