Last Friday 30 July 2004 11:22, Dave Griffiths was like: > I'd also like to see (and I don't know if this is what Tim meant) support > for scala everywhere like (I think) > AMS has. It wasn't precisely. I was actually hoping for a simple A=[Hz] spinbox. But now you mention it, I agree whole heartedly. Actually, the more I look at this page, I'd say scala was _exactly_ what I've been looking for from a wider compositional point of view. I'm very interested in the effects of using precise tunings and intonations as I perceive western 12-tone equal temperament to be not only limited, but out of tune. Obviously soundfonts aren't the way to go, if this is what I want, but I use them for roughing out MIDI parts and to save on resources for multi-part pieces. I shall have a better look at things like AMS, and obviously pd could be useful here. Thanks for the tip :-) tim hall