I know this is a "me, too" post, but seriously... I'm on a mission to dump Whinedoze *out* of my life. When I started down the Linux audio path, it was no turning back! I've thought about getting back into coding several times when I saw places where I felt a need, but I've been so dang busy with the other aspects of my life. Wouldn'tcha know, within a month, almost every feature I've wished for has shown up somewhere. Yesss!! Linux Audio Coders *ROCK*! It also reminds me that there are younger and faster coders out there who are coming up with all this great stuff, and I already *did* my 20 years of coding time (mostly in RTOS subsystems) and now its my time to take this 20 YEARS worth of accumulated music inside me that I set aside while I was doing *my* coding and get it *outside* of me. :-) And *that* wouldn't be possible without Linux Audio Coders cuz after 20 years in development, I sure as *hell* don't want to do any more work on Microsuck machines! Thanks again, y'all! Peace, ~Jos~