RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > On 12-Jul-2004 Chris Pickett wrote: > } Just a clarification: everything is copyrighted, unless it is explicitly > } released into the public domain. That's why these licenses work. > > I'm familiar with copyrights. :} Artists have been using them since, maybe, > before programmers. You did say, "linux audio... copyrighted stuff to pretty much excluded," and later, "Much of that software is copyrighted," so I don't think that was particularly unfair. > } The truncated paragraph said: > } > } "However, non-free software companies often want to create vendor > } lock-in, and they've shown a good way to do this is to decrease > } interoperability between programs and flexibility in the system. They > } allow for only one box per program, and furthermore make one subscribe > } to their whole subsystem of boxes to get something usable. It's like > } when Lego started making wall pieces instead of just individual blocks > } to build them." > > You mean like the idea that Jack works with only a select set of programs? I wasn't aware that Jack not operating with all programs was a competitive thing, and involved money or patents or nasty licensing at all ... I thought it was because other apps simply hadn't caught up yet. I guess I'll have to read about it a bit. > It's actually sort of funny to watch all of the obvious manipulations and > games that get played in the commercial arena. {It would be funnier if my > wallet didn't feel the effects} It would genuinely suck to see that sort of > thing get started in linux. Linux has always been about as open as it's > possible to get... that's why it's an interesting system and why, I think, so > many folk have been drawn too it. So, I'm glad you recognize that ... > } I realize the Lego analogy is a little broken. > } > } Anyway, at the end of the day, if Linux Audio started to need non-free > } stuff to be good, I'd just buy a Mac. For me, the core of what makes > > Linux has always included a large number of non-free programs. If you're > obsessive like I am and run around checking out every available program that > a given platform has to offer... Linux can include a very large number of > traditionally copyrighted and commercial programs. I think linux needs to > include a number of large commercial offerings like those solutions provided by > Oracle and IBM. {Money... and all of the benefits that might be derived from > it.} I think those kind of things can help corporations who have more money than time to throw at a problem, but am unclear as to the benefit that the ordinary user derives from them, although it probably exists. > To me... the variety of choices available on linux is much more important than > the open source thing... The copyleft idea strikes me as a really usable and > actually somewhat noble alternative to a traditional corporate structure... The > idea of an entirely open source strikes me as a bit dillettante and maybe a bit > too high minded and idealistic to be practical. It's simply too open to > politics, cliquishness and similar sorts of abuse {even racism... see Elvis} to > be practical. {:} 'Course I sometimes feel this way about the internet itself. > I'm probably wrong in those feelings. I don't think I am in my feelings about > "open source".} To my knowledge, my system is entirely open source, with the exception of acroread and flash, and it runs well. On the desktop, I think paid-for corporate involvement can help with unification efforts, packaging, and hardware support issues, but that it's better if the changes are freed eventually. > } the whole thing tick and even worth using at all (ignoring the wonderful > } unix-y benefits that Macs now have too) is that it's free. I think the > } reaction, "Everyone else is releasing free stuff, you can bloody well > } release free stuff too!" isn't entirely unjustified. As for music > > I think it's totally unjustified and that it's that very attitude that is at > the heart of the problem I described above. I give away free time to F/OSS, and have made less-than-profitable career choices (i.e. grad school) so that I could hack on free software, why should I be expected to receive with open arms people who want to build upon this free base and not give back, let alone _pay_ for it? > } shareware developers, frankly I think they'd have a better time writing > } for OS X anyway, as a real shareware community actually exists. > > Then they should just go away? I think corporations are the only ones really willing to pay for individual applications on Linux. I'm personally not shelling out for shareware when I can read, test, and contribute to free software. Time is money, I guess, and that's how I'd like to pay, even if it costs me more after the conversion (which indicates "libre" is more important than "gratis" to me). I think other people feel the same way. So, yes, from a business perspective, shareware developers for Linux should go away and target OS X instead. From an ethical perspective, as long as I'm not forced to use it and there always exist alternatives, I guess I don't mind. I start to mind when everybody just uses the non-free stuff and this results in the death of otherwise good free projects. Like Tim just said, I think we're just gonna have to agree to disagree, since I'm not likely to convince you that 100% free is a good and realistic thing, and you're not likely to convince me otherwise (I know _I'm_ starting to repeat myself). I hope at least we can see a little where the other is coming from now :) Cheers, Chris