On 09-Jul-2004 Chris Pickett wrote: } RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: } > On 09-Jul-2004 Chris Pickett wrote: } > } RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: } > } > On 08-Jul-2004 Chris Pickett wrote: } > } } > } > } I've encountered / heard of very few shareware developers who } > } > } make a decent programmer's wages from their software. } > } > } > } > Do you always want to work for someone else? I think there needs to be } > } > room for both... just like in other businesses. } > } } > } Well, I guess there's the whole consulting option for free software } > } developers, i.e. develop features for a fee. There's nothing that stops } > } > That's not programming. I don't know if that matters to you. } } Huh? Developing new features (or squashing bugs) surely counts as } programming. I don't mean support issues. Like the Dreamworks paying } Codeweavers example just given by somebody else counts (although perhaps } the example is bad, because it wasn't free, I dunno). "Consulting". Developing features for a fee would fall under the heading of "comissioned work" ...I suppose you can look at that however you like. I don't see it as producing ones own work {I guess I wasn't all that clear.} } > } the developer from keeping the changes private between him and the } > } client either, if the client is worried about competition. Personally, } > } > The GPL? } } All the GPL says is that you must promise to give the source code to } anybody you provide a binary to, for up to three years, and if they make } derivations and distribute binaries, they must also promise source code } to the recipients. Specifically, it does NOT say, "you must make all } GPL'd software you release available to the public, even if you haven't } given said public copies of your program." If you pay me $5000 for } GPL'd software, we can sign an agreement that I won't give it to anyone } else for 6 months, and neither will you, and we'll both still get the } source code. This is a key business point, IMO. I suppose you and I are reading this a bit differently. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLRequireSourcePostedPublic I have no profit motive though. } > } I want to work for somebody else, but in an environment where I feel } > } like it's working for myself, but serving the rest of society (e.g. } > } university, research institute, whatever). Working for customers and } > } clients just isn't what I want. } > } > I can see that. Art is a bit too "self expressive" to allow one to do that } > and } > be content with it. It's just too restrictive. For me anyway... } } It's interesting to think about what leads to good art. Some people } think all truly great art is born out of hardship and poverty. I myself } think money often destroys art (programming and music both being forms } of art). I think money tends to change the artists priorities. The work itself needs to be the first priority. Ideally, I think art needs to be sold after it's done. There shouldn't be any outside constraints, etc... Commercial quality is commercial quality because it has to take commercial constraints into consideration. {deadlines, workflow, templating, etc...} } > } > You are probably right about the greater good... I'm a strong believer } > } > choice though. } > } } > } I guess ultimately I have the opinion that since we have this amazing } > } free operating system, that's literally been the product of a } > } generation's work, it doesn't make sense to turn it into a wasteland. } > } We've already got Windows for that ... } > } > I'm thinking more along the lines of a open source system with shareware } > apps. } > I think the system itself would go down the tubes if you started getting } > internal competition, etc. } } I guess ... I guess I've stopped distinguishing between system and } application. Is Mozilla part of the system? Or is it definitely an } application? Do you define application by replaceable, non-essential } part? What's essential? Is X essential? How about bash? Is the linux } kernel even essential? Can't you run this software with a different } kernel? I basically view everything as a set of interoperating programs } -- including the music stuff -- although I might concede that the kernel } is perhaps the only "true" system component. If it's essential for system operation {I think this has to include X because so many apps are dependant on it.} it's system. I imagine this could vary depending the function of the system... For the most part I think it's pretty clear cut. ---------------------------------- E-Mail: RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: 09-Jul-2004 Time: 15:01:23 This message was sent by XFMail ----------------------------------