On Wed, 07 Jul 2004 13:15:59 -0700 Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 09:28, Russell Hanaghan wrote: > > I have used Freeverb a lot in previous implementations of the CMT > > LADSPA package and the last version of Ardour I was using was beta > > 11.1 I think. > > > > I am using Arodur beta 17.1 now and all other LADSAP plugs, > > including those in the CMT package, seem to be working fine but the > > response of Freeverb has changed...the reverb time is now very short > > and won't seem to adjust beyond a shortish plate type reverb. Before > > you could get super monsterous reverb tails if wanted. > > > > Has anything changed in the Freeverb module? Is there something new > > in the Ardour package that might be causing this? I notice some new > > panning thingys and such. > > > > > > ANY help would be much appreciated. I tried every other reverb out > > there...Tom's (TAP-Plugs) comes close but Freeverb is the smoothest > > most realistic I have heard for my needs. > > Just tried this in AMS 1.8.3...Freeverb is not working in AMS either > so I wan't to exclude Ardour as being any part of the problem here. > > I tried TAP reverb in AMS and it works fine. > > So what might have change in the CMT version of Freeverb? I > origianlly had CMT 1.15-2mdk.rpm installed. These are Mandrake > rpm's...I also downloaded CMT 1.15-3.mdk.rpm and installed and it is > the same thing. Any one know anything about the specifics of the CMT > package of LADSPA plugs that may be relevant? The float denormal macro defined in Freeverb/Components/denormals.h doesn't come out too well with recent gcc - I replaced it with this (which turned up on this list during a discussion about denormal handling): static inline float undenormalise(volatile float s) { s += 9.8607615E-32f; return s - 9.8607615E-32f; } It should be fine after that. - Myk