On 04-Jul-2004 Olivier Guilyardi wrote: } Robert Jonsson wrote: } > söndagen den 4 juli 2004 02.47 skrev RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx: } > } >>http://www.zynewave.com/guide/index.htm } > } > I gave the demo a try but I'm unable to install it. The demo is in *.msi } > format which it seems that Windows should recognize as a Microsoft } > Installer } > file. I don't know how to coax wine into understanding that. The binaries } > for } > the installer linked on the page didn't help. } } According to that web site, the author seems to be pretty involved in } Podium development. Why don't you drop him a mail about that ? He may be } interested in supporting Wine in a more or less near future... } } Codeweavers also propose a Desktop Linux Certified Program that may be } of interest to him : } http://www.codeweavers.com/site/compatibility/certify Thanks to all of you my server's taking up space on the kitchen floor at the moment {awaiting a new 64 bit board and processor} or I'd go ahead install it there... {next week} I've used the demo on Windows before... It's one of the better sequencers I've used. The guy has a real knack for design and usability. I left him a message {not much of one} on the forum. We'll see what he says. On widows the thing's pretty much overshadowed by the big companies and at best is going to get "poo-pooed" by the Cubase and Pro-Tools supremacists... It could give linux another exceptional tool. Maybe other folk could write him? If he knew he could make sales on linux he might be willing... ---------------------------------- E-Mail: RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: 04-Jul-2004 Time: 15:31:05 This message was sent by XFMail ----------------------------------