> I'm running gentoo kernel 2.20-gentoo-r8. > > I start jack (0.91.1) with jackd -vR -d alsa ,as root. > muse is working (if started as root) > so is ardour > > But when I try Alsaplayer -o jack somefile.someformat, > it says "Failed to load output plugin "jack". Trying defaults." > > When I shut down jack alsaplayer starts playing perfectly > > Does it have something to do with the asoundrc-science? > I tried copiing the jack-plugin text for .asoundrc somewhere > from the alsa-site, the same result > > I thought it should work without the .asoundrc,but maybe I'm wrong. > > Anyone knows what I'm missing? > emerge -vp jack-audio-connection-kit. I think you will not see jack as a flag. I had the same problem this morning for some reason. Check to make sure you have the jack flag in make.conf and make sure you are using the ~x86 version. For some reason it looked like the current stable version doesn't use jack, so I went to ~x86 and everything was fine. - Mark