On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 18:51, Russell Hanaghan wrote: > I can't seem to leave well enuf alone! > > Trying to get vstserver up on my MDK 9.2 machine. > > Installed RPM's from Thacs. Installed as root. Copied my '.dll' VST > plugs to a directory. Set "VST_PATH" variable to that directory. > > When I run VSTserver from a console it just sits saying "VSTSERVER/main: > vstserver 0.3.1 has started. Waitng for requests" > > Now what? How do I interface VST plugs with a typical LADSPA host for > example? Hells Bells Martha! I'm talkin to myself! :) Upodate: VST server is a pain in the a$$! Never did like Wine much. Anyway, a myriad of other issues did I find. Too many to list! So I shredded Wine / VST server/ blah blah blah. So Steve, (begging on bended knees) 'bout that vocoder / harmonizer plugin?? :) > > THnx >