Pete, Thanks so much for producing the Specimen program. I realize it's just the start, but what start you've made. It's great. I have been working on 3-D audio but also 1-D, 2-D instrument generation (physically simulated strings and membranes --- not just oscillators or FM synthesis). In the past I've generated full keyboards of 16/44.1 samples and used SF2 fontbanks. You've enabled me to use 24/96 so I can do what I really want. Now there are limitations as to how well this works, even with Jack, but I really do appreciate being able to listen to these simulations. I'm looking forward to future releases, and I hope to be able to provide some instrument-generation capability which should work well with what you've done, freeing us from SF2's and canned samples. I really like being able to simply assign WAV files. One thing that would help a bit is to be able to assign a list of files to notes as one can do in Vienna. If some forethought is put into place into naming the files by the user, the entire keyboard full of samples can be imported in one fell swoop. Now because BEEF is XML, I was able to script it up easily enough. But some may not know exactly how to do this. (Just another todo item for your undoubtedly long list!) Thanks again! Great work.