Followed the tips everyone offered on my "Latency, Mandrake and Dell post...missed the emails because I was on "digest" delivery and had only signed up that day... Anyway, here's what I have so far for using my Latitude CPXj 650 as a live fx unit... I have found that the "Freeverb" LADSPA plugin is about the best. Does not seem to be a resource hog and has very clean and flexible digital reverbs. I was using Ecamegapedal to host the plugins but it seems a bit lacking. For example, I can only run one plug at a time. If I want to eq the reverb I dont think I can.(?) So here's what I settled on (The Ardour guys will probably not be impressed) I'm using Ardour as the host because the layout is killer and the flexibility is there (in Mixer window) to add plugins as if it were on a real console. I can add the Reverb in pre fader and a parametric post fade, etc and have complete control. The latency is probably running about 10ms in real world terms. It's not real noticeable in this application anyway. This is an extreme underuseage of Ardour as it was intended, but for now it's what I want. Good news is the realtime latency and sound of the reverbs, etc, is running better than Sonar XL on Win XP so thats a good thing! I am still unable to run Jack at anything less than 1024 without having Xrun hell. I set the HD to DMA "on" I had apm as opposed to acpi running...turned it off and found no difference. I set /tmp up as tmpfs in fstab per Austin's suggestion, I'm running in IceWM instead of KDE because it seems to use less resources. But I have not been able to improve the overall performance that much with these tweaks... I notice that running Ardour (Beta .9beta 9 RPM from Thacs RPMs), after I have fired up Jackstart or Jackd-realtime from Qjackctl with -d alsa hw:0 1024 2 as root and then fire up Ardour and add a track, the pcm chain is connected (also visible in Qjackctl "Connect")and I have sound but the pc starts running slow and the Hard drive light is constantly on. I'm not recording this Jack writing to disc? I only have 128 megs in this the virtual memory trying to substitute for Jack writing to ram? It is still useable but if there was a solution for this one item, I'm in digital fx heaven ready for my next live gig running this as my PA fx. TIA