Hi! As mentioned: Csound has a lot of components (opcodes) and a lot of examples. Besides that it is powerful. Even if SAOL might have some better features. But another good possibility (I think as powerful as csound) is clm (common lisp music). The language might be better (if you like lisp). the advantage of ths is: you have a real programming language, with a lot of typical features (mathematics and the like). I've never used it though... Only talked to a guy, who did. I used csound a couple of times and it is great, once you get to know it. It is a crappy language (1967 was its point of origin). Still it's simple enough to learn, if you get the hang of it. Another alternative might be: PureData (PD), if you like GUIs. But I think this baby is more useful for DJing. As to effects: there are the plugins, which you can find at the alsamodular-synth page at sourceforge.net. To create such plugins you must do some transformation. Csound opcodes can't be used as plugins directly. Kindest regards Julien -------- Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles) ======== FIND MY WEB-PROJECT AT: ======== http://ltsb.sourceforge.net - the Linux TextBased Studio guide