Jackd not exiting upon disconnecting usb card

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Hi list,

I am running an Edirol UA-25 audio interface under jackd2. When I
disconnect the device with jackd running, it will print 
	ALSA: capture device disconnected
	JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
	Jack: JackPosixThread::ThreadHandler : exit
but will not exit, forcing me to kill jackd from the terminal. 
Is this intentional behavior? Can I solve this problem and have jackd terminate?


Here is the full console printout: 

$ jackd -v -t2000 -dalsa -r44100 -p512 -n2 -Xseq -D -Chw:UA25 -Phw:UA25 -i2 -o2
jackdmp 1.9.21
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2016 Grame.
Copyright 2016-2022 Filipe Coelho.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
Jack: JackPosixThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackPosixThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: capture device hw:UA25
Jack: playback device hw:UA25
Jack: apparent rate = 44100
Jack: frames per period = 512
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = hw:UA25
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = hw:UA25
Jack: Check protocol client = 9 server = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackLinuxFutex::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 512
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Acquire audio card Audio2
creating alsa driver ... hw:UA25|hw:UA25|512|2|44100|2|2|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 512 frames (11.6 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Jack: JackPosixThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Open
Jack: JackServerSocket::Bind : addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 1
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: JackClientSocket::Connect : addr.sun_path /dev/shm/jack_default_1000_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackLinuxFutex::Allocate name = jack_sem.1000_default_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in flush mode
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 512
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fBufferSize 512 fSampleRate 44100
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 22 buffer_size = 512
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 1 
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 22 buffer_size = 512
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] 2 
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 512
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 3 
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 512
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAlsaDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] 4 
Jack: Clock source : system clock via clock_gettime
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Start
Jack: JackPosixThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackPosixThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackThreadedDriver::Init real-time
Jack: JackPosixThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 10
Jack: JackPosixThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackPosixThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::ClientCreate socket
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable size = 2
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::BuildPoolTable fSocketTable i = 1 fd = 16
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4

	(here I unplug the usb interface)

ALSA: capture device disconnected
JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, stopping...
Jack: JackPosixThread::ThreadHandler : exit

	(jackd keeps running)
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