Hi Bill,
the bird.scm is your package? I didn't realise! Thanks for a great piece of
work there. Someone on the Csound mailinglist alerted me to it and I am
currently in the process of translating that to Csound. Perhaps I'll also give
animals.scm a go afterwards. I am not sure yet. the few birds I have so far
are amazing and beautiful!
Best wishes,
Feb 28 2022, bil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has written:
I think what Fons says is correct. You can get
close using just a sine wave and two complicated
envelopes for amplitude and frequency. I did a
bunch of bird songs this way back around 1980 --
see bird.scm in the Snd package. These are in
Scheme using CLM, but it should be easy to grab
the envelopes and use them elsewhere. The Snd
package also has animals.scm: much more sophisticated
attempts to synthesize birds, frogs, insects, etc.
There's a brief discussion of that file in
sndscm.html#animalsdoc also in the Snd package.
But in any case, listen to say a hermit thrush
or a red-winged blackbird slowed down and transposed
down -- unbelievably beautiful! I really had a
blast trying to synthesize these songs.
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