I have an ADA8000. It is very nice. Of course the preamps are Behringer preamps and it only supports 44.1 and 88.2. But for the price, nothing beats it. You need a soundcard which supports Adat in yo use the preamps and Adat out to use the balanced outputs. For me, I don't need the outputs so I have one Adat lightpipe feeding my RME Multiface, and the ADA is synced via wordclock to the multiface. The syncing is something you should look at. To change the samplerate in the ADA you need to move a switch in the back. If you use the outputs the ADA can sync (iirc) the the adat signal coming in. If you look at the soundcard matrix in www.alsa-project.org you will see all supported cards with Adat capabilities. As far as I know the RME cards are very stable and much used and the multiface fits my setup like a glove. A good point with having an adat card is that if you get bored with the ADAs preamps or win the lottery, you can get a better preamp and just plug and play. Sampo On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 08:35 +0800, Timo Sivula wrote: > Hi, > > I was actually looking for a 8 channel preamp, when I found this > Behringer ADA8000 device that has a 8 channel A/D and D/A codec AND an 8 > channel preamp. The device has a digital DAT out for the A/D codec. > http://www.behringer.com/ADA8000/ > > Does anyone use this device on this list? Is it supported by linux and > what hardware is needed on the PC side to hook the digital connection to > Ardour? > > br, Timo > -- Sampo Savolainen <v2@xxxxxx>