Re: Ad-Blocking on Android (was: [Music] Endless day (borderline synthpop))

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More Hijacking:

I can recommend Firefox on Android - it supports UBlock Origin! Also


On 10/13/2020 12:30 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:
I am using Ghostery, have also used uBlock Origin. Saw an ad maybe one
per year.

They have, however, intensified the ad load recently, which becomes an
issue if you are using YouTube from your phone. I then decided to try
out YouTube Premium, and I must say it's so worth it. No ads ever, your
mobile app allows you to download videos, as well as to minimize the app
or lock your screen if you just want to listen. Highly recommended!

Jeanette, apologies for hijacking your thread!

Listened to Endless Day and it's very impressive. The production
quality, the melodies are very good. The vocals, in my personal opinion,
could use some work. But the rest is immaculate.

Atte's jam is beauty itself, fantastic.

Louigi Verona

On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 10:33 PM Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Oh, I also have 68k IP addresses blocked in my /etc/hosts file :)

    On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 2:31 PM Paul Davis
    <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        I run uBlock Origin as a browser extension. I don't remember the
        last time I saw an ad on Youtube (and I watch a *lot* of YT).

        On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 1:58 PM Will Godfrey
        <mailto:willgodfrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

            On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 11:49:03 +0200 (CEST)
            "Jeanette C." <julien@xxxxxxxxxxx
            <mailto:julien@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

             >Hey hey,
             >this song has been about 20 years in waitiing. It is
            utterly, unashamedly
             >"feel good" pop. The idea came to me whilst on holiday by
            the sea, in summer.
             >I neither had the synths nor the harmonic ability to write
            it then. But first
             >the song itself:
             >Ever since the latest addition to my instrument family -
            TR-808 clone - I
             >toyed with recording it. But then a few days I hit on a
            few nice chords and on
             >Atte's live modular jam "click":
             >Atte kindly gave me permission to cover/interprete the
            gorgeous main melody
             >line from that piece and so I had a chorus. :)
             >No prizes - or should there be? - for guessing which song
            I listened to a lot
             >that summer. :)
             >Feedback is ever is welcome, but foremost: enjoy and relax!
             >Best wishes,

            Unfortunately I won't touch youtube these days. As far as
            I'm concerned they've
            gone too far with their crappy invasive adds and data mining.

            Will J Godfrey
            Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
            Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
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