I got Pure Data to work finally (or at least the gui is up and running), but now that it is working I don't have a clue what I am supposed to do with it because the font used in the interface is almost unreadable. It is tiny and looks a bit like Impact. I think I have one or two other apps that behave like this. Can't remember which ones because I stopped using them fairly quickly. They could have been tcl/tk apps as well, but I can't remember for sure. I am running KDE 3.3 on SuSE 9.1. One problem with the SuSE KDE setup is that it tries to over compensate for the high resolution of my monitor by making all the text really big. This has meant that I have had to instruct KDE to work with unbelievably tiny font sizes, although they don't look small by the time KDE has finished with them. Anyone know what I should do about this? Many thanks Robert -- Robert Persson is powered by Linux.