Re: Toggle Jack Transport CLI

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On Tue, 15 Nov 2016, Yassin Philip wrote:

Thanks to FalkTX for the pipe trick BTW, I saw that on linuxmusicians ; This is
very cool if you have some sort of wireless keyboard, but as you can see it's two
different keystrokes, how do I make it so <command> toggles play/pause?
Alternatively, how do I know when jack transport is rolling, so I can hack my way
into making my own toggle script? I did my homework and read the inline --help of
all the available jack commands on my machine :

⚡ jack_
jack_alias                  jack_freewheel             
jack_monitor_client         jack_simple_client       
jack_bufsize                jack_iodelay               
jack_multiple_metro         jack_simple_session_client
jack_capture                jack_latent_client         
jack_net_master             jack_test                
jack_capture_gui            jack_load                  
jack_net_slave              jack_thru                
jack_connect                jack_lsp                   
jack_netsource              jack_transport           
jack_control                jack_metro                 
jack_rec                    jack_unload              
jack_cpu                    jack_midi_dump             
jack_samplerate             jack_wait                
jack_cpu_load               jack_midi_latency_test     
jack_server_control         jack_zombie              
jack_disconnect             jack_midiseq               
jack_evmon                  jack_midisine               jack_showtime

But found no way to detect the transport status ; Is there a way to know it?

Do you have access to the jack tools package? I have a group of commands that are jack-* as well as those above. jack-transport looks like this on screen:
#     00:00:07

The "s" in start/stop is "space", you can tell which by watching the time... if it is moving space will stop. Also the # means stopped and will be replaced by a > for play

Len Ovens
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