Re: Multiple asynchronous JACK chains resampled?

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On Tue, 23 Feb 2016, Robin Gareus wrote:

Video is a lot more forgiving when it comes to timing and the modern CPU
architecture is optimized for bandwidth.

It can be entirely possible to reliably process 4K RGBA images in 40ms
(25fps) ~900MB/s; while the same machine fails to process 128 audio
samples in under 2ms (~256kB/s).
In general a delay of an extra 40ms frame or two doesn't matter either so 
long as the sync lines up. I have watched a number of remote news bits 
where the latency is ~1 second or more (which is disturbing BTW). I have 
had better long distance phone call latency.
Ya, video and audio are two different animals.

Len Ovens

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