Hi, Happy Listers!
My new song "Carrier Phone"
is fresh out, live now at https://youtu.be/yu3eTXVvepo and even
buyable at http://manyrecords.com?album=21&song=1 :)
It's been a wild ride. Working with QMidiArp (LV2 plugin version)
can get a bit hard on the nerves ;) there is definitely something
On the news front
- There is only 11 tracks, of witch 3 are just for drums
- My old AKG d125 mic (listed as "vintage" on the internets!)
has replaced the "Studio Project B1" Chinese Neumann copy that
I've used a lot last year, and that I can't even hear anymore
(hiss!) Stay away from those ;
- The drums are actually played on my
Toy MIDI DrumKit but yeah, heavily MIDI-edited afterward ;
- The big (250Mg) Fluid GM2 soundfont that is available all
through debian sound really good, if you don't use it yet, try
it ;
- I used a new toy: VEX a 3
oscillator "subtractive waveROM synth" that is very stable and
exposes everything to automation ;
- There is a "remix" of that song coming soon. Well, a litteral
fork of the session ;
- QTractor is getting better and better. This new "direct
access" mixer strip feature allows for a more natural workflow,
the name of the game being "never open a plugin GUI" :)
It is mixed down through Jamin, with the basic default preset. I'm
not entirely satisfied with the mix/master, I think it lacks
the oomph of my last song "Off
the Grid". I hate that accidental part of the mixing process,
and the heterogeneous feel it gives to the album. Otoh, certain cult
albums of mine do sound like many sessions put together: XTC's
"Skylarking", Magazine's "Secondhand daylight" or Alain Bashung's
"Play Blessures"... Oh well.
As always, thanks a lot for your critical listening :)
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