Hart, I wrote a small, stupid, ugly script in lua for mpv, that maybe you'll find useful until you find a proper solution. You should put it in the folder '~/.mpv/scripts/'. Here is what it does: while you play a file in mpv, every time you hit 'M' the current song time is appended to a text file. The times are formatted as requested by mp3splt. The text file is named after the mp3 file name, plus '_marks.txt'. For example, if you listen to 'Building_with_fire.mp3', the times are saved, separated by spaces, in the file 'Building_with_fire.mp3_marks.txt'. When you're done you can edit the file and add 00.00.00 and EOF if you need them, and then you can use: mp3splt Building_with_fire.mp3 $(cat Building_with_fire.mp3_marks.txt) to split the file. As I said, it's a stupid script, it doesn't check anything so use it with care, but I'm not a programmer and I wanted to show you a possible solution quickly. Maybe someone else will want to write something better. Anyway I tested it quickly and it seems to work. Here's the script: -- SCRIPT START function mark_time() audioFileName = mp.get_property("filename") marksFileName = audioFileName .. "_marks.txt" marksFile = io.open(marksFileName, "a") time = mp.get_property("time-pos") timeMin = math.floor( time / 60 ) timeSec = math.floor(( time % 60 ) * 100 + 0.5 ) / 100 timeSpltMin = string.format('%.2d', timeMin) timeSpltSec = string.format('%05.2f', timeSec) timeSplt = timeSpltMin .. '.' .. timeSpltSec marksFile:write(timeSplt .. ' ') marksFile:close() print(timeSplt .. " added to the marks file.") end mp.add_key_binding("M", mark_time) -- SCRIPT END Hope you'll find it useful. -- Emanuele Rusconi _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-user