Re: LV2 control-ports and midi binding -- was Re: [ANN] setBfree v0.8

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On 06/23/2015 02:37 PM, Robin Gareus wrote:

alas, in LV2 there's no standard defined way to do just that.

The vocab is there and there are some de-facto examples for patch:set.

    patch:set param:some_control 1.234f

That message can be generated by a plugin (sent to host) and by a host
(sent to DSP).

but the official doc still says "Other methods, such as setting dynamic
parameters via messages, are possible but not defined here."

So yes, this needs to be worked out.


I think it's fine if float-pointer input control ports remain completely
under the host's control (backwards compat, simple plugins) as long as
there are other means that allow a plugin to set its own properties.

There's no need to complicate the simple & fast way that's good for 90%
of all plugins. Like with AU: If you have a fancy plugin (dependent
Params, internal Properties), use the fancy API.

i still think that a simple standard defined message for a plugin to tell its host the following:

"-- i've made some changes onto my own internal state, including some, if not all of (my) parameters (aka. input control ports), so please scrap all your current view state of me from this moment on and get it all re-freshened up, will you? btw. you can also opt to set your session dirty flag, as for saving my (partial new) state later on."

would solve a lot of grief i suppose.

rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela

ps. once upon a time, me and falktx poked drobilla about this, while during this latest lac2015@JGU-Mainz. iirc. all we nodded in agreement :)

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